April’s Thoughts on the Second Day

10 07 2007

 It didn’t take long for God to put me in my place once we got here.  To be perfectly honest, I was a little disappointed when we first came to a camp where we can’t flush our toilet paper for fear of flooding the showers.  While I was griping in my head about my bed and where I had to sleep, God had other plans for me.  We were the second of three groups to get to the camp.  When the third group got here a little late, they needed half of the room that our group had originally taken.  I ended up on the floor, imagining all the scorpions and cockroaches that would crawl out of the floor and join me in my bed.  When I had a chance to think about it and gain some perspective, I realized that God was humbling me in a very physically real way.  He was putting me on the floor because I, for some reason, felt that I should have gotten a bed over someone else who deserved and wanted it just as much as I did.  When I was put on the spot like that, I realized that God even shows up in the form of a group of middle school girls to teach me something.  However, it still saddens me that I have to travel all the way to Mexico to feel God’s presence, hear His voice, and see His face.  I feel like I don’t hear God until He screams in my ear or, in this case, puts me on the floor.   The incredible beauty of our surroundings though, is proof to me that God is most certainly everywhere.   

The ride to our sites this morning was an adventure in itself.  The mountains are beautiful, but they certainly aren’t ideal for driving, especially in a school bus loaded with 50 people.  There were times when I had to catch my breath as we struggled up some pretty steep hills and drove on the edge of cliffs.  As I looked out at the houses just a few miles over the border from the U.S., a place where I’ve never known any real need, I experienced some pretty intense culture shock.  The people of Tecate would think our houses in Holland and Zeeland are mansions.  The lady that I have the privilege of working for has a pretty shocking story.  Just two weeks ago, Estelle’s husband came home under the influence of a combination of substances and burned their house down.  Their ten year old son was killed in the fire.  Their younger son still can’t completely comprehend that his brother is gone.  We were warned beforehand that Estelle might pull back from us because she was still trying to come to terms with the loss.  Once we got there though, we were pleased to find that she seemed happy to see us and we even saw a few smiles from her throughout the day.  Since none of the families speak English, all of our groups were blessed to have an individual who understood Spanish and could translate and connect with the families. 

 The evening service tonight was very convicting.  Our speaker, Brandon, is very enthusiastic and several of us have felt a slap in the face by some of the tough stuff that he brings up.  Building on our surroundings, he has talked both nights about wealth and what it does to us as privileged, “rich” Americans.  A verse that I found in our quiet time this morning was Hebrews 13:5, which says “Keep your lives free of the love of money and be content with what you have.”  In our culture, with the newest technologies and the most in style clothes always at our fingertips, it’s a tough concept to grasp.  Another verse that I found pretty moving was one mentioned by Brandon, Luke 6:24: “But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.”  This one is rough.  Many of the people here don’t have many material possessions, but they find their happiness in each other and God.  I, on the other hand, have never directly had to trust God to provide for me.   I have my dad’s job for that.  I have already received so much more comfort and economic security than billions of other people on earth.  God shows Himself in the most real ways through the poor who have no money to hide behind.  With them, what you see is what you get.  I have to admit though, that that idea belongs to Brandon, but as I heard him say that, I realized that it is so true.  So many things have happened to me and been shown to me that I could only have hoped for, and it’s only Monday. 

mid-monday update

9 07 2007

April will be blogging later tonight.
Thanks for all your comments… I will share them with the group tonight after our worship gathering.
One word about today, “Wow!” April will fill you in later.


Thoughts from Daniel

9 07 2007

We have a great group of students here at Mexico. Yesterday was a long day and all of them never missed a beat. They were patient, kind, and quick to help even to the point of giving up their beds to a group that came late. I am proud of them!

Today we go on the work site to start building houses. All the sites have families connected to them. This morning we found out that some of us will be building a home for a family who recently lost their home to a fire. It was the father of the home, who in a rage, burned it down. The oldest child was killed in the fire. That happened only two weeks ago! This family is really hurting, scared, and confused. I believe we will be doing much more than building a house. We long to build faith, hope, and love as well. Please pray that we will know how to do this and that Jesus’ healing balm will be administered liberally.

Also, take the time to write comments on this blog to your students… we will pass it on to them. You will bless them!

Robbie’s Reflections on Mexico

9 07 2007

Erin, on behalf of the interns, we miss you and pray your week goes well.

 The trip begins…

Sunday around four we left for Mexico, and for me it was somewhat of an interesting situation because I haven’t ever been out of the U.S., none the less flown on a plane! The take off went well and I was amazed how much time flying saves! The landing was a bit of pain to my ears but the gum helped. 🙂 Sooo…

We’ve arrived in Mexico today early afternoon. It’s amazing and not really what I expected. First, we drove through more of a inner town and a descent, well-to-do society. I thought, “How bad is this even going to be?” Then we continued our drive only to arrive at our destination where the Mission Discovery organization is being held this year. When we arrived and got out of the bus I looked around and tried to take it all in… it’s awesome to be apart of a different culture! I’ve been overly excited since I’ve arrived. 

Today, we didn’t do much right away besides settle in and go for a swim. Then it was followed up by dinner and worship time with a short lecture/sermon. I thought it was interesting and really enjoyed how it went. This whole mission trip in general has really brought alot to the plate for me. I’ve thought alot about James 1:2-8, “My brothers and sisters, when you have many kind of troubles, you should be full of joy, becuase you know that these trouble test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfetly in what you do, Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He i generous and enjoys giving to all people, so he will give you wisdom. But when you ask God, you must believe and not doubt. Anyone ho doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown up and down by the win. Such doubters are thinking two different things at the same time, and they cannot decide about anything they do. They should not think they will recieve anything from the Lord.”

It tells me a great deal, but really, I need to take every challenge that God throws at me with joy and patience, and through that I will test and create a new perseverence stronger than the type of perseverence I’ve had in the past. I take every challenge as a possible oppertunity, but also as a chance to grow and further myself and therefore others in a positive way. I picture that into this week as we may have many challenges that we must over come, not necessarly as individuals but also as a team and family in Christ. 

Also, I’ve thought alot of Luke 9:26-27 “If people are ashamed of me and my teaching, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and with the glory of the Father and the holy angels. I tell you the truh, some people standing here will see the kingdom of God before they die.” 

When it comes down to it, I really REALLY wouldn’t want to do anything that my Lord would be ashamed of! I couldn’t stand having him look at me and disregard my pressence because I was selfish and wouldn’t proclaim Him as my Lord to all. Again, I relate this to now because as I sit here typing, looking around… I see God everywhere! I see him ready to make a move on his giant chess board using us as his pawns, and most importantly I don’t want to even think about wasting time in earthly “Fun” when I can work to be someone that will see his kingdom and be apart of it in the end. 

This might not make sence, but sometimes there are things words cannot describe, and lately there has been much of that. I continue to expect more of those scenerios being here in Mexico working for my Lord and doing what is really important. 


6 07 2007


5 07 2007

Today, or yesterday rather, was a great day. We began by planning the Kid’s Zone lesson for a couple of Sundays from this coming and we finished up some odds and ends for said lesson. Then we enjoyed coffee break with the staff. We all had a good laugh as we kept tricking the tardy “breakers” into eating a mystery “chip” that we later discovered was dried beet. After a little more planning, this time for Briarwood, we headed out to put on our Kid’s Club. It was a great day! We played games like baseball ( with a foam ball of course), football, and coloring for the younger kids. We then told the story of Noah and told them that God takes care of those who love Him and who accept His Son Jesus as their Savior. We then played a game called Drip, Drip, Drop. It is a variation on Duck, Duck, Goose where, instead of tapping the person’s head, the hold a wet sponge over the “ducks” and squeeze the sponge over the “geese”. We got soaked, but had a blast. It truly was a great day.

As I sit in front of my computer, racking my brain about yesterday (since I forgot to blog yesterday), it occurs to me that everything we as interns do is for children. Now you may say, “Duh Kyle. Kid Zone and Kid Club…yah, I know”. I encourage you to bear with me as I think that I have a good point to make. I realize that Kid Zone upstairs on Sunday morning and Kid Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Briarwood are about kids, but everything else we do is as well. The planning that we do for Kid Zone right when we get there in the morning, to our planning for Kid Club, to our prayer time when we ask God to bless these events, to Open Lodge where our sole purpose is to fellowship with kids and play with them. Everything that we do at Calvary is for children. I think that this is a beautiful thing. We are building God’s kingdom through His children. We are setting a foundation that will grow as the kids grow. If the message is instilled early, it will be with them their entire life. How awesome that God has chosen us to impact his kingdom like that. Let’s not forget what a privilege it is that God has called us to do such an important work. He could have chosen anyone, but He chose us! April mentioned this verse in her blog on Tuesday, and I think that it is applicable again today. “Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”-Matt. 19:14. This verse tells us exactly how Jesus feels about children. He says that the kingdom “belongs to such as these”. But what if the kids don’t know that the kingdom belongs to them? Who will tell them? We will, that’s who.


4 07 2007

aprilToday is the beginning of our third week together. Kyle was with us for the first time, but we are not a full group yet, as Dustin is on vacation with his family this week. We greatly enjoyed our time together as we worked on our lesson for Kid Zone this morning and were able to put on the Kids Club in Briarwood for the first time this afternoon. The sheer amount of preparation for both of these programs took up the majority of our time today. But with such a great group of people to work with, time flies.

As I write this blog, I find that I am already falling into a pattern. The first time I did this it was only the second day and I was fired up and full of things to write. During that time, everything was new and exciting and I was constantly feeling the presence of God. Now, it saddens me to say that when I was thinking about today, it occurred to me that I had become caught up in the routine of being an intern and my “God high” was beginning to wear off. It is kind of a sobering thought and I was reminded that I was put in this place to further God’s purposes, not my own. Of course I love this job, my work, and the company of the people around me, but I realized that it isn’t really MY work. God wants to constantly be doing life with me and He has so many more things to show me and teach me this summer. It’s so easy to forget that as much as this is a job, it is also a chance to be influenced by all the Godly people around us and a time for a lot of personal growth for me and the rest of the interns.

There was a very high point to our day today. Our experience in Briarwood was unlike any of the times I volunteered there last summer. We were blessed with the attendance of about twenty kids. Some were high energy and excited right from the get-go and others took a little while to warm up to us, but I left the neighborhood with a very good feeling. We had the chance to play some games with the kids and begin (or in some cases continue) building relationships with them.

We began our series of Bible stories, appropriately, with the story of Adam and Eve. Considering that some of the kids might not have had any exposure to Bible stories, we talked about how Adam and Eve had just one rule to follow and what happened to them when they didn’t. When we talked about rules and how it is necessary to follow them, it was a very real connection to the lives of the kids. We also shared with them that even though we all “break the rules” sometimes, God still loves us no matter what. As I was saying this to the kids, I was reminded myself of how awesome that is, even though I’ve heard it so many times before.

The kids had some very different reactions to the story. One younger boy was naming off the Ten Commandments and was happy to explain what covet meant. Another asked if the story was even real, to which Robbie answered, “You better believe it.” The reality that we have to face is that not every kid has a home where they can get these kinds of questions answered. As much as we would love for these stories to stick with the kids, we also hope that just by leading by example we can show them what God is all about. As I played and talked with the kids, I was reminded of a well known verse, Matthew 19:14: “Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” The very kingdom of heaven belongs to these precious kids, and I can’t think of many better ways to spend my time than investing in their lives.

In just a few short days, Robbie, Kyle, Dustin, and I will be leaving for what will hopefully be a life changing mission trip to Mexico. Erin, unfortunately, is unable to join us, and she will be greatly missed. After spending a lot of time with her last summer, I have loved being able to get to know her even more. A couple weeks after returning from Mexico will be VBS, which is one of my favorite times of the whole summer. We have also been doing a lot of thinking about and preparing for this amazing week.

Overall, it was a great day for us. There are so many great things happening and we have the honor to be a part of them. It is with confidence that I pray for God to keep revealing Himself to us in new ways and with gratitude that I thank Him for the things He has already done.

REVIEW – week two

1 07 2007


29 06 2007

dustinHi, this is Dustin Attema, I hope you will find this little memoir enjoyable but also that you could see my humanness through my struggles. Wow, it’s so hard to describe any given day in my life because God’s always at work. But a day being an intern, well, I guess you’ll just have to fasten your set belt. Okay, so you got that seat belt on, now just imagine driving in your Corvette and having a sprint car blow you by going twice as fast as you can. You punch on the gas but can’t keep up. Think again, suppose the sprint car driver some how attaches your car to his and with his help you can go just as fast as him. Well, this is how I feel. God’s always ahead of me and no matter how fast or hard I try he’s always waiting for me at the next turn. When I ask him to pull me through at his pace, things start to happen.

6:45am: Sweat running down my body, limbs pumping, my chest taking in drafts of air. Now step in side my brain. Thoughts, questions, even conversations…all of this racing through my mind while running a 5K. This morning the conversation happened to be about my busy schedule, and guess who the pour listener was? Well, I’ve been told that God likes it when I talk to him. I just can’t believe how patient he is with me. I mean he listens to me not only when I’m running (which is the time I drain out most of my frustrations, some times it turns into bellyaching until he puts me in my place) but also all through out the day. Starting out the day with this exercise really keeps me from blowing my top the rest of the day.

9:00am: As I shut the car off, I can’t help but think how mindful God is of me being so small in comparison to the masses he listens to. Daniel’s office…I’m the first one this morning. Good, I like to be early.

9:15am: Robbie is sick so Daniel starts our devotions. Along with me are April and Luke. Today Daniel read Psalm 139, but it’s not just reading. It’s thinking about how it applies to my life. What I can do about it. I’ve never done this type of devotion before but it really makes me think.

First question: what really stuck out to me is the fact that he is “familiar with all of my way’s”. You can’t throw him off of you.

Second: how has God shown this? He has shown me time and again that my knowledge for today is peanuts to God who knows all. I only see one piece of the puzzle but he can see all of them.

Third: how does this apply to me? As a hunter knows the ways of a deer so God knows mine, so I need let go of my will because sooner or later God’s going to track me down and turn me around making me more like him.

This really made me think about all the things I do out of familiarity even through they might not be right. I stand boggled at the way God pursues me.

Today as one of our activities we took the spiritual Pathways test and believe it or not my highest was Creation. Part of the description reads, “You respond deeply to God through your experience of nature”. Thinking on this thought I can clearly see the times in the tree stand when I couldn’t help sit there and think, “who could ever believe there isn’t a God?”

Have you ever felt that God was right there and you wanted to shout about it? Well, the rest of the day was like that. I kept thinking of the song that says

“From every tribe, every nation a love song born of grateful choir,

It’s all God’s children singing glory,

Glory, hallelujah he reigns”.

Even Katherine, who helped us when we went canvassing, said I was a little off the wall. But I guess I just get fired up over the fact that I could be saving some body’s life.

When I was ready to leave I had a little cooling of my jets. Let me explain. First I was about a mile down the road and I notice that I forgot all of my papers at church. So that wasn’t no big deal just turn around and go back to church. Well, I get the papers and hop into my car put it in reverse and to say the least, I didn’t see the hitch on Marilyn Reitvelt’s truck. I dented the back end of my van pretty bad and gave the truck a cracked taillight. That was the end of my great day. Although I would prefer to have it end better, as my Mom and Dad say, “ God is good all the time.” He’s great.

Dustin Attema


26 06 2007

robbieWow… that basically describes a lot of what’s been going on. Today was the interns fourth day. Basically, I would like to look back and admire how much we have been able to accomplish as a group, as individuals, and finally, as developing friends and family in Christ. I personally have become much closer with every member in our group of interns, its flat out awesome! Growth for me seems to be inevitable and desired! I have noticed growth already and have witnessed what I can one day become. In doing this internship I have changed a little and expanded my horizons greatly!

So far on this journey, I have been apart of new things and many new opportunities. The doors fly wide and sway endlessly with no signs of closing. I appreciate everything about the internship, and what it has offered me and what it still has to offer me, and as of now… there has been no discouraging moments or regrets. I love my leaders, the other interns, and as of now my new friends. I’ve gone through life not exactly the way God has, in my opinion, intended me to live it. I’m not perfect, I have made many mistakes, I’ve been close, and have been far from God, and all I have to say is… I’m only human and God forgives. One thing about this internship that I respect and appreciate immensely is not only its an opportunity as an individual, it’s also an opportunity for growth in basically every aspect of life– my spiritual life, my morals, my ideas, my work ethic, my spiritual and physical strengths and weaknesses, and the list goes on… When I take a step back and look at the chances that we have, and the group we maintain, I see a powerful group of people with many of the same intentions all working together for our Lord Jesus Christ, and in doing so, we may accomplish anything!

Anyways, moving onto today…

First of all I would like to keep in mind the 3 high school interns that could not make it due to family reasons, and a mission trip that is taking place in Queens, NY. I keep you all in my prayers.
The day started out with only me and Dustin to run the show, it was a good time. Although only the 2 of us were there we still managed to be successful in our day and participated in new areas of work such as VBS, evangelism (Walked the neighborhood inviting kids to a kids club and slightly older kids to open gym for the church), and organized the Sunday morning kid’s class. The day was a blast and I enjoyed every bit of it!

Dustin and I both missed the other interns very much and hope that they remain safe in their journeys. Hope to see you guys soon, and as for the rest of the summer… bring it on!

REVIEW – week one

23 06 2007


22 06 2007

AprilToday could probably be called the first “official” day for the interns. After a day of getting to know each other at Grace Adventure Camp, we dove right in today with some fellowship as a group. A new experience for most of us was a Bible reading technique that Daniel introduced. Divine reading is a slow, contemplative reading of Scripture which enables us to further our understanding of it and to see that God is always reaching out to us through His Word and through Christ. We read Hebrews 12:1-3 and looked at it from some different perspectives. Picking a certain phrase out of the reading that we as individuals felt was meaningful to us, we reflected on how they touched our lives and how we have to express that.

One of our jobs as interns this summer will be to plan the Kid Zone program. Our teamwork skills really came into play as we adapted the lesson plan and delegated responsibilities. We realized that things aren’t always going to just fall into place, but I think we got some good work done and that we will have fun being a part of Kid Zone this summer. A special thanks to Lisa VanderZwaag for getting us started on this and providing guidance.

We started our afternoon with some “research” and insight into our spiritual gifts. In a survey similar to the one used in Network, we found out which spiritual gifts we have received. It was fun to see that the gifts that turned up in our results pretty closely matched what we already knew about ourselves. We followed with a discussion about how if we all had the same gifts we wouldn’t get anything done very easily. With a variety of strengths and weaknesses we form a body that will really help us do some great things this summer. More thanks to Kim Oosterbaan for helping us out with this.

As interns we were also challenged by Daniel to create personal mission statements. To be perfectly honest, I was scared in the beginning and I didn’t know if I was ready. Daniel walked us through the process and sent us off for some quiet time to reflect. After consideration and discussion, we decided as a group that we would like to share our mission statements
with you:

Erin Rietveld: To live life for others and make God the center of everything.

Dustin Attema: To glorify God; joyfully, creatively, and lovingly serve Him. Letting me fall completely in love with Him so that His love, wisdom, joy, and peace will cover me so that I can rock the planet for Him.

Robbie Elhart: To further God’s work, living passionately, while spreading His mercy to the suffering and poverty stricken.

Me (April Johnson): To live each day with joyful excellence, to love others and learn from them as we seek the truth.

dustin and april getting ready for SundayWe have set very high standards for ourselves. It is our hope that you will be able to watch us live up to these statements to the best of our abilities. While I can’t explain for anyone else, I would like to share a little about my own. As I have said, I wasn’t sure I was ready to make such a bold statement. However, I was looking over the list of core values we had been given and I stopped at the word excellence. At first I thought it was a pretty inapplicable word compared to some of the others on the list. But when I thought about it, I changed my mind. I thought that if we can use it to praise the newest CD by our favorite band or a favorite restaurant, shouldn’t it take an even more extreme meaning when applied to our God and the way we live our lives for Him? I think that this summer will be a good starting point for me on the way to a life of excellence.

On a different note, we continue to think of and pray for Kyle Schaap, the other intern who will be joining us soon, but has already missed a lot of great group bonding time.


20 06 2007

erinI really enjoyed the first day with the interns. We had a lot of fun. I was really excited to start this year. I really enjoyed being an intern last year. I had some high expectations fo the group this year because if how well it went last year. Going by what happened today, I think my expectations will be reached.

We spent the day at Grace Adventures by Silver Lake. When we first got there we met our group leaders, Shari and Mark. We started out with a bunch of different questions about what we thought the some would bring and our expectations. We had a lot of fun conversations. We came up with a great list of goals and expectations. Some of goals were, interdependence, trust, listen to each other and to have fun. After we went through the questions we went to do some team building activities. My favorite was the bridge. There were eight bricks and we had five, 2 by 4’s and we had to get across the swamp. We had a little trouble getting started but we accomplished it. We were very good at communicating with each other and each bring our own ideas. I can tell from that activity that we will work very well together and won’t have an problem with communicating.

After lunch we went to the high ropes course. That was my least favorite part. I don’t do very well with heights. I did have fun challenging myself and seeing the rest of the group challenging themselves also. For the most part I just encouraged the others. I was glad when I finally got to the ground.

Then we went biking to the dunes. That was really fun, the bike ride wasn’t too long. We had some more great conversations and reflections on the day.

I am ready for the summer to get into full swing. It will be a great

view pictures of the day by clicking below



23 05 2007

Here are the interns that will be joining us this summer: April Johnson, Dustin Attema, Erin Rietveld, Kyle Schaap, and Robbie Elhart.

Welcome aboard!


16 05 2007

The interns calendar has been updated. Take a look boys and girls.


7 05 2007

The students of calvary will start to post thoughts, pictures, and videos in June. Stay tuned, it will be a good adventure.