Andrea Writes (an intern last year)

13 07 2007

We are now coming to the last couple days of a week never to be forgotten. Many challenges have been thrown our way, and many completed. The first day we were given the opportunity to meet our families whom we are building for. My group, led by Monica, Sue, and Dave, was blessed to meet Elizabeth. She lives with her mother who is very ill. Actually, Elizabeth and her two younger sisters and younger brother are surprised that their mother has made it this long. I have not been able to talk with Elizabeth’s mother yet, but I have asked a few questions to Elizabeth. First, I was saddened to hear the news that Elizabeth has had two miscarriages, and then she had one child. However, this child had anemia, and being difficult to get all medical attention needed, her child passed away at the age of one yea old. Changing the topic a little, I asked Elizabeth a little about what she likes to do. In her spare time, Elizabeth enjoys to do ceramic paintings of flowers. I wish to have the opportunity to see some of these. When we asked her when she will be back again, so we could talk some more, she told us that her job won’t let her off again. She was only given one day off. Due to the circumstances, she is going to try to get off Friday so we will meet again. It would be a gift from God if she could be at the dedication ceremony. I know it will mean a lot to here mother and herself. Elizabeth has been a blessing from God from the first second we met her. She got right to working on her house that we are building for her. How incredible that she would help build this when there was 16 students and adults working to build this house. When the walls were painted and up, I stood next to Elizabeth as she viewed the beginnings of her house. She looked to me, with tears in her eyes and said (in Spanish of course), “This color makes me happy. You people are gifts from God.” It was a touching moment for us. I am looking forward to see how God will work through this last day tomorrow. Wait and see if she comes back and hear how things went.


I also have one other lady who has changed many in our group. Let me start at the beginning with an explanation of how we met. Dave suggested that we canvass the neighborhood and greet people. We came upon a small house where Maria, an elderly woman lives. I began talking to her, as Spanish is her only language. We became friends and our group couldn’t wait to see her on Tuesday. Tuesday morning we went to her house again. This time with the intentions of finding out about her. She is a Christian, who struggles to share God’s story with her family and neighbors. A suggestion was made that we pray with her and lift her and the family up. You could see in her eyes that it hurt her to see some of her family on a different path than she. We joined in a circle and people began lifting up prayers. Hoping she would understand, I translated as things wee said. Every time a prayer was said for her, she blessed God and lifted her voice in gratitude. Wednesday morning we went back to start our day in prayer with her again. This time she asked that we pray for direction from God so she can know how to reach out to her neighbors. It was good for us to see her passion in this situation. At the end of our time together, we took a picture of our group, and shared a few hugs. Later that day, Maria came on the VBS bus with us to give her time with the kids. Maria has been a blessing and I truly feel that God has called our group to this location for a reason. A reason that is not what we expected. I don’t want to speak for others, so I will speak for myself. I was reading in 1 Corinthians about strengthening your faith, and I read that you need to keep yourself in groups and encourage one another. Maria has been an unbelievable encouragement for me. She has encouraged me to stay strong in my faith. It is not always easy to share with those you love, especially your family, and she showed that with prayer and support it is possible. I look forward to meeting with her again tomorrow and have the opportunity to know how her family life has been going. Honestly, her smile brings me to tears. She is a fragile woman with a heart for God.


I will try to wrap this up, as it is getting long. However, this week has been so changing for me. Brandon Brown, the speaker every night, has sent so many challenges spiritually. He has encouraged us to dig deep down in our hearts and open doors that are not always opened. Tuesday night, we were given the opportunity to meet in small groups and share what is on our mind. I felt convicted by God and I felt that God was telling me to change some areas of my life. I had doors closed to God. Doors that were opened Tuesday night. I never knew how difficult and relieving it was to share your fears and worries with others. My favorite verse reads: “Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” –Isaiah 40:30-31 This verse has been put into perspective this week. I have truly felt God lifting me up on eagle’s wings. I have seen true poverty. Not only physically but also spiritually. I feel that I was at a point in life where I was a little tired, struggling to keep up. But this week has renewed my strength. My faith in God is stronger than ever before. A song I love to sing when struggling with faith is titled, “Everlasting God”. In this song, the chorus reads “You are the Everlasting God, the Everlasting God, you do not faint, you won’t grow weary. You’re the defender of the weak, you comfort those in need, you lift me up on wings like eagles.” If you haven’t noticed, this song is based on Isaiah 40:30-31. Again, it is another reassurance of the strength God gives us. I hope that when I come home, I will be able to share this strength with others. God has worked in so many wonderful ways this week. God is always working; we just need to learn how to look for Him in all we do. Praise God for a week of growth and strength!   

~Andrea Rietveld




3 responses

13 07 2007
Sue Garvelink

Enjoy your last day there. Praise God that this trip has been a blessing for you.
We are not going to the b-ball party, but I will e-mail coach tonight and pass on what you had said in your blog. I’m sure he would love to hear from you when you get home.
We are looking forward to you coming home soon, and hearing all of your stories… Safe travels.
Love you. xxoo

13 07 2007
Dana and Niki

Hey Dane and nik! how are you guys? your mom(dana)told me that i could write on here so i thought i would….i think this is the right thing..well hope you guys are having a really good time! happy birthday niki! did you get my message? tell lance, emily, lindsay, and liz, and whoever else i know that i say hi okay! hope you guys have a good rest of your trip….call me when you get home!

13 07 2007

oops that last one i wrote your names on top…its from Hilarie hahah

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