Dustin Rocks

12 07 2007

Through out this week I have been going full-bore trying to every thing at once. But to day I just realized it’s not about me it’s about something greater. Something in me says to take hold of every situation in my day to day routine. Being human I tend to shove every thing that would over ride my plains out of the picture. The week that has already past has brought me to the realization that when I see God acting the most is when I choose to let less of me and more of him show up in my life.  This mission trip has brought me to the realization that we as Americans actually have less than the people hear in Mexico. These people have time, they don’t have money to worry about, and they don’t have the technology to distract them from family life. They in fact are richer than I am with a joy that can’t be hidden. Then I look at myself God has been there though my life I have everything I could ever want but it seems that I can always find something that I’m not content with. Contentment, God says in his word to cast all your cares upon him in he will provide.  I don’t know about you but the greatest struggle in my life is letting go and letting God. Looking at the mountains around me has made me think about the real rock am keeping him small or big in my life, is he a pebble or a mountain. The rock I am talking about is God. The second part of Psalms 40:2 says “he (referring to God) set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand”. Too many times I keep God to pebble size limiting the space I give him. I think that God is so real on mission trips because we let oursevles go. In these times I think that I am in more need of the mission trip than the people who I am helping. I want God to be a mountain over shadowing and protecting me. Rocks have been used by men since creation. Jesus the rock though all ages said this “And surely I will be with you always, to every end of the age. –Matthew 28:20



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