Kyle Schaap Writes (one of our interns…)

11 07 2007

There is a night on every mission trip that has affectionately become known as “Cry Night”. It is the night where the pastor pulls out all the stops and delivers his best message. It’s when the worship leader pulls out the best songs and they all try their best to give you a real experience with God before you leave. Now this night is usually reserved for the final night. Well…ours was tonight. Tonight, Pastor Brandon challenged us with something I have never been challenged with before. He challenged us to accept that God is as willing to save us as He is willing to save the world. As willing to save us as He is willing to save the drunk, or the prostitute. Now this may sound pretty obvious, but let me try to explain. Most of us accept Jesus as our personal Savior, but what does that really mean? It means that He is ready and willing to free us from every sin that entangles us. That He literally can’t wait for us to ask Him to take our sins away for us “as far as the east is from the west”. How many sins do you hold onto? Those “dirty little secrets” that we try to hold onto and fix on our own. Can we really…I mean REALLY surrender those to Jesus? Are we willing to give those up for the joy of the Lord, as is promised to us? I’ll be the first to admit that I am not. Tonight we really struggled together, with tears and hugs, to find out how to let go of those sins. Let go of the doubts. Let go of the pain. It was a truly Spirit-filled evening. We wrestled…and we grew.


family working along side usWe have all been working hard on the houses that we have been building and have been getting to know the people in “la colonia” where we are working. They all have such amazing stories to tell, but there is one particular family whose story is almost unbearable. It is the story of a mother with 5 children and a drunken, estranged husband. One night 2 weeks ago, her husband came back, drunk. He got angry and started pouring gasoline around the house. His wife didn’t know what to do. He was stronger and couldn’t be reasoned with. He was on a mission…to burn down his wife’s and his children’s home. Well, when the smoke settled, her house was gone, and head count of her children came up one short. Her ten year old son, the older of the 2 boys, had been trapped inside the house and perished in the flames. This happened two weeks ago. All this week we have been hearing about the poor and the lessons that we can learn from them and how we can be blessed by them just as much as we can bless them. This family has definitely blessed the team that has been working on their house. People from this team have told me that everyday they show up to work, the family can’t wait to greet them. They are so excited to have a home again, that they almost forget, for a few blissful minutes, that their son and their brother wont be able to enjoy the new home with them. This team is doing more than providing a house. They are providing hope, which could possibly be the one thing that this family needs most of all.

I’ve been thinking a lot about divine appointments over the past week. I had sort of considered this trip to be a divine appointment for me to bless the people of Tecate. But what if this trip is a divine appointment for the people of Tecate to bless me? What if I was meant to be here, not for the sake of the Mexican people, but for the sake of myself? Can that be possible? What if it is? Will I be receptive? Will you be receptive? Will we see it? I sure hope so.  



3 responses

11 07 2007

Its a little wierd to write a comment when you are most likely only a few feet from me somewhere if I knew how you were… but hey, its a new world so why not. I am happy that your group was able to come together through tears. I am really honored to serve with you guys this week. You are great role models for the Middle school students that we brought here and I love that they see so many “cool high school students” serving Jesus and singing with all their hearts, and loving him to tears during the sessions. I hope they see in your group how real that Jesus really is, and how beautifully his image is portrayed by the mosaic of your group!

11 07 2007
Cathy Schepel

Hello Group! I just have to tell you how much I have been blessed by reading your blog. I am a worrier by nature and Satan has really been attacking me lately with petty stuff. Reading the daily blog has reminded me that there is a world out there that is so much bigger than Holland, MI. And just how awesome our God is and how extremely blessed we are here. Leaders, THANK-YOU for taking our kids on this trip, THANK-YOU for your time and prayers that you unselfishly give to them, ALL of you are the best!
Oh, try to get some young men to send home messages in the blog, their parent’s would LOVE to hear from them! 🙂
Have a blessed and safe week,
Cathy Schepel

11 07 2007
Ben Tucker

Hey Kate, just wanted to say hey because i didn’t get to see you before you left on your trip, and i am leaving in a couple of hours for my backpacking trip. So i hope you are having a great time and i will see you when you get home.
love, ben

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