11 07 2007

packed in

FROM DEB GRITTER: Happy Anniversary Mike and Rach!! We love you and are praying for you today.  We know God has been with you this past year and praise Him for His faithfulness.  Happy belated Anniversary Kris and Brad!  Sorry we missed it last week. Hope you had a great time and we can’t wait to see you and the rest of the family in a few weeks!

This week has been great.  The high-schoolers have done a good job being an example to the other students staying at the camp.  There is truly a heart of service in our teens at Calvary.  I’m so proud to watch them volunteer to work hard and take a seat behind others.  Thank you for your prayers.  Please continue to pray for patience, tolerance and compassion in our group.  Our  group is processing a lot regarding how we are to help the poor and be Christians that God would be proud of in our own lives in West Michigan.  We appreciate all of the parents support and encouragement and want to say that you’ve done a good job raising your kids!! We’re enjoying getting to know them on another level this week.  It’s been wonderful! ~Deb Gritter



Hi Mom,

Thanks for the note. 

About Brenna… that sounds gr8.  I’d love to see her, but yes I am babysitting for the Snyders Monday and all day at that.  I think that Sonya would be okay with Brenna b-sitting with me though.  Maybe you can ask Brenna and Sonya about that for meJ.

I love you oodles.  Say hi to Dad and the rest for me.  I’m having a gr8 time, thanks for letting me go.

Love Courtney (Rosita) De Boer


This week I found out that the family we are building the house for lost their home in a fire. When I came I thought that we could give so much to these people. I soon found out that I was wrong when a boy of the family we are building for tried to pay us for doing this, with what was probably the only money he had in his pocket. My life has most definantly been impacted, but more than that it has showed me that God is in this place and he was in that boy. ~ Jason visser


We are being challenged to look at things differently this week and there is a new maturity showing among the kids. They are building a house that is not much bigger than their bedrooms. All of the students are finding things they enjoy doing which might be playing with the neighbor kids who are just starved for attention. They are smiling most of the time except around 6am when are call wake up. Please keep us in our prayers as the work HE as started will be finished.

Love in Christ     Jim Visser



What another great day!!  I can’t stop marveling at the students attitudes.  Another day of no complaints.  These kids are the best group of kids I have had the pleasure of working with in youth group in a long time.  REALLY!!!!! I hope all you parents realize the gifts you have.  I’m sure that you do.  That’s it for me today.  Thank you for entrusting your kids to us.  I love it!



Last night was a great night I got to do what I love most, which is to have meaningful, insightful and life changing conversations with a small group of students. We were discussing and wrestling with some really deep life questions. What makes us different than the people we are interacting with here?  How can I love God if I have money? What are treasures on earth verses treasures in heaven?  What is God trying to teach me?  Do I have to sell everything I have in order to follow Jesus?  What does it mean to truly have a heart for Jesus, not just check things off a list to make me look more spiritual? 

I’m not saying we really answered any of these (if so we could write a book<LOL), but what we did is struggle (including some tears) and hopefully opened our eyes more to a bigger picture of who God is and what the Bible is really trying to say!!!  I can’t wait till we get to continue again tonight.

The work day went awesome for my group today as well, despite adverse conditions we were able to get all of our walls up and our trusses up.  The lady we are working with (one who had the fire) continues to smile more all the time.  You could see the joy on her face when she looked at all of her walls to her new house standing.  There were other times though when you could see she was deep in thought (I can only imagine about what).  Continue to pray specifically for her and her family as they try to begin to rebuild their changed lives. 



Another beautiful day here in Mexico.  The weather is amazing!  It is sunny and hot-my favorite-during the day and the nights cool off into the 50’s.  The landscape screams of God’s majesty and power.  The boulders are definitely crying out his praises.


The kid’s here in Tecate have touched me greatly.  They are so fun!  I love their energy, hugs, smiles, and patience (since I speak very little Spanish).  They are absolutely adorable and precious.  They have shown me Jesus in several ways.  The older kids always take care of the younger children.  They usually let them eat and drink first.  They watch out for one another.  They carry around the youngest kids as well.  They smile and hug you.  They love to play games and tease you.  We play a lot of duck, duck, goose with the children at our project site. 

I have met a group of women who sell English books in the area.  One women speaks English really well.  She came to the camp with some friends and ate with me last night.  Tonight she is going to show me her home.  It has been an experience to hear her life story and learn more about her city.  She is a very loving and kind lady.

I feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to work with these wonderful young people.  They have been so mature and hard working.  Way to go CSM!


We have also met a woman named Maria.  She lives down the street from our home.  She is a Christian woman.  She prayed with our group this morning and asked us to please pray for her family members who have not invited Jesus to do life with them yet.


Praise God!  We had around 150 kids at our VBS today.  They sang songs, listened to a puppet show/story, made a craft, and had snack.  They were so excited.  Several of the children showered and made themselves up just for VBS!  It is great to see our students developing special relationships with individual kids.  It makes your heart smile!  Please pray for the message of Jesus to match our actions and words.  Pray that they may meet him at VBS and see that he loves them deeply.


Thank you for your prayers, love, and thoughts.  We can feel them and know that God is blessing your diligence. 



This is my first mission trip, and I am surprised and amazed at the experience.  I was told by seasoned mission-trippers that I would be touched by the people of Tecate, but that is an understatement.  Because although I miss my family very much, I am wishing I could stay longer to help our family even more.  One building? No, let’s build two!


I miss you so much, Mark and Steven.  I don’t wish I was home, though.  I wish you were HERE!  What an experience…one day we’ll do this as a family!


Hey Mom and Dad!

     “I wear my sunglasses at night!” –Anonymous-



Well its hard to put into words of all that I what to say. This mission trip has probably  been one of the most live changing things I have experienced. Two week ago I went to Queens, NY on a mission trip with church an I loved it! Days after that I was wanting to go on the trip that was going there the same week as this mission trip instead of coming here to mexico. I now know that God called me to come here because he knew he struggles in my Faith and knew that this trip was going to help me see beyond the oundries I have set for myself, to step out of the box I have placed myslf in and reach out to others. He has shown be on this trip that even though people can hurt you so much emotionally you still have to forgive them, God forgave us and even though its hard we have to learn to forgive them. God had mad me a new person on this trip.


This has been such a great mission trip so far. Most of us have become very attached to the families and the kids that we are building for. This morning we arrived at our work site and started to pray. While we were praying the little kids of the family ran around us and stood with us and bowed their heads. I don’t even really know how they knew that we were praying because they don’t really speak and English and it was just a God moment to see those little kids so eager to pray with us.



7 responses

11 07 2007
Amy Sall

Hey Nick!
It’s been great to be able to read everyone’s blog’s on this site (haven’t heard from you though? 🙂 Even pictures today!! I think I caught a glimpse of your orange hat in the back of the bus. Be sure to get a picture of you in those great scrubs, we can use that in a thank you note when you return.
We are looking forward to hearing all the stories and seeing you again. We are thinking about you always and praying for you and your group daily! Have a great 18th birthday on Friday!

Love, Mom, Dad and Jen

11 07 2007

Good Wednesday Morning!!! I hope that you are all feeling Blessed and filled by God’s love for you. Nick, It was good to see your orange hat in the picture. At least we know you are still alive. I pray you are having the time of your life. Only 2 days until your birthday!

— Katharine

11 07 2007
Amy Sall

Hey Nick!
It’s been great to be able to read everyone’s blog’s on this site (haven’t heard from you though?) Even pictures today!! I think I caught a glimpse of your orange hat in the back of the bus. Be sure to get a picture of you in those great scrubs, we can use that in a thank you note when you return.
We are looking forward to hearing all the stories and seeing you again. We are thinking about you always and praying for you and your group daily! Have a great 18th birthday on Friday!
~Love, Mom, Dad and Jen

11 07 2007
Gary and Jodi Tucker

Hi Katelyn,
Wow-it’s pretty neat being able to read all the comments from everyone. It sounds like the week is going great! We’re so thankful for this opportunity for you to go on this trip and serve Jesus by serving others. What a blessing to be able to be a part of this group.
It’s been way too quiet around here with you gone-the phone isn’t ringing every ten minutes! We love you lots and look forward to seeing you and hearing about your week.
Dad and Mom
Remember to take lots of pictures!

11 07 2007
Lyn Wehrmeyer

dear emily sounds like things are going great for you. Im so proud of you with you going to mexico. and how your drawing closer to God with your faith thats awesome. I’m praying for you every day and will contunie to pray for you. We gave Leet this web site so she can stay updated on your trip too. Hope the rest of your week goes well and hope you’re making lots of new little friends with all the little kids. You’re great with kids so you probally have alot of them following you around. LOVE YOU, DAD

11 07 2007
Cathy Schepel

Hey Christopher! We saw you in two of the pic’s, you were even smiling in the 2nd one! 🙂 We hope you’re having a great time this week and drawing closer to God during this time. We can’t wait to see you on Saturday!!!
Stay safe, have fun, be a blessing to others and continue to be the wonderful young man that God created.
We miss you and love you lots!
Mom & Dad
P.S. Are you wearing your sunglasses at night or is it someone else? 🙂

12 07 2007
Cherie Boetsma

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKI!!!!! It is great to read all the blogs and see pictures. (even though we haven’t heard from you yet!) It was good to see you in a few pictures though! What an opportunity to be a blessing to the people in Tecate and to be a part of such a great group! I hope you have a great day today, it is a special day, we miss sharing your birthday with you, we miss you and love you lots, Love, Mom and Dad, Courtney and Kylee

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